Rastreando o Yahoo com WebCollector

WebCollector é uma estrutura de crawler da web de código aberto baseada em Java. Ele fornece algumas interfaces simples para rastrear a Web, você pode configurar um crawler da web multi-threaded em menos de 5 minutos.


Vamos rastrear algumas notícias do yahoo. Esta demonstração imprime os títulos e conteúdos extraídos das notícias do yahoo.

import cn.edu.hfut.dmic.webcollector.crawler.BreadthCrawler;
import cn.edu.hfut.dmic.webcollector.model.Links;
import cn.edu.hfut.dmic.webcollector.model.Page;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document;

* Crawl news from yahoo news


* @author hu


public class YahooCrawler extends BreadthCrawler {

* @param crawlPath crawlPath is the path of the directory which maintains

* information of this crawler

* @param autoParse if autoParse is true,BreadthCrawler will auto extract

* links which match regex rules from pag


public YahooCrawler(String crawlPath, boolean autoParse) {
super(crawlPath, autoParse);
/*start page*/

/*fetch url like http://news.yahoo.com/xxxxx*/
/*do not fetch url like http://news.yahoo.com/xxxx/xxx)*/
/*do not fetch jpg|png|gif*/
/*do not fetch url contains #*/

public void visit(Page page, Links nextLinks) {
String url = page.getUrl();
/*if page is news page*/
if (Pattern.matches("http://news.yahoo.com/.+html", url)) {
/*we use jsoup to parse page*/
Document doc = page.getDoc();

/*extract title and content of news by css selector*/
String title = doc.select("h1[class=headline]").first().text();
String content = doc.select("div[class=body yom-art-content clearfix]").first().text();

System.out.println("URL:n" + url);
System.out.println("title:n" + title);
System.out.println("content:n" + content);

/*If you want to add urls to crawl,add them to nextLinks*/
/*WebCollector automatically filters links that have been fetched before*/
/*If autoParse is true and the link you add to nextLinks does not match the regex rules,the link will also been filtered.*/
// nextLinks.add("http://xxxxxx.com");

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
YahooCrawler crawler = new YahooCrawler("crawl", true);
/*start crawl with depth of 4*/
