Livre-se daquele rodapé cinza chato no MailChimp

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Você tem um modelo de e-mail visualmente agradável e legível. As cores do seu site e a voz online brilham em todo o modelo de e-mail. Tudo está pronto para ir, mas em seus testes, há aquele rodapé cinza muito ousado e feio que o MailChimp aparentemente adiciona sem se preocupar com seu e-mail perfeitamente desenhado. Duas coisas, primeiro o MailChimp adiciona aquele rodapé para cumprir as leis CAN / SPAM para que você não viole o fato de contar aos seus assinantes de e-mail como eles obtiveram seu e-mail e como sair da lista de e-mail. Em segundo lugar, há uma maneira de se livrar disso. </p>

As tags MailChimps diferenciam maiúsculas de minúsculas. Portanto, mesmo que você tenha as tags corretas, se elas não estiverem em MAIÚSCULAS, ex: | UNSUB | , ele renderizará o código corretamente, mas os olhos sensíveis do aplicativo MailChimp não reconhecerão a tag como correta, então o aplicativo / sistema adicionará o rodapé cinza em seu código, bem no final. </p>

Agora, vamos nos livrar disso. Primeiro você precisa das seguintes tags em seu rodapé: </p>








Let’s take a quick look at what we need:</p>
This tag is a must for all MailChip templates, it pulls in your Required Email Footer Content:</p>|LIST:DESCRIPTION|</code></pre>
Subscribers need a way to get off your email lists, this does it:</p>|UNSUB|</code></pre>
This pulls in the name of your company from the Required Email Footer Content in your list:</p>|LIST:COMPANY|</code></pre>
This pulls in the web address of your company from the Required Email Footer Content in your list:</p>|LIST:URL|</code></pre>
This pulls in the email address of your company from the Required Email Footer Content in your list:</p>|LIST:EMAIL|</code></pre>
This adds your mailing address and a downloadable vcard to your email. This gets its information from your Required Email Footer Content in your list:</p>|HTML:LISTADDRESSHTML|</code></pre>
If you have a free account, you have to add your MailChimp rewards badge:</p>|REWARDS|</code></pre>
Did you notice that all of the tags are UPPERCASE? That’s right, again, MailChimp tags are case-sensitive so even if the data that is being called is correct, the tag still is incorrect if it is lowercase. There are some expections to this if you are using your own custom tags through MailChimp. Here is a link to all of the MailChimp tags: <a href=""></a></p>
So what you get is rid of all of that grey footer, but now you probably want to style all of that extra html that gets added to your email. Don’t worry, I have you covered. Here is some of the styles that you can use to help you get the footer looking just right for your email template:</p>
<div class="gist">

/* starts the vcard injected tags */
div.vcard {} {display: inline;}

/* by adding a margin right of 4 pixels, we fake a space in between inline items that are all in a line */
span.fn {display: inline;margin-right:4px;}

/* hide the br tag that gets injected */
div.vcard br {}

/* starts the address line */
div.adr {display: inline;margin-right:4px;}
div.street-address {display: inline;margin-right:4px;}
div.extended-address {display: inline;margin-right:4px;}
span.locality {display: inline;}
span.region {display: inline;}
span.postal-code {display: inline;}

/* style the vcard download link */
a.hcard-download {}

/* create your own generic rule for positioning the Rewards badge if neccessary */
Hope this helps you get rid of that pesky grey footer. If you are still having issues, please do not hesitate to contact MailChimp support as well and have them take a look at your email template to see if there is some other issue your template.</p>