Light ‘CMS’ com Google Drive gem para Ruby

Eu encontrei esta joia hoje e não posso deixar de pensar em uma ideia leve de ‘CMS’.

Por exemplo, se você estiver trabalhando em um About</code> page and your non-technical team member (or your customer) keeps on changing minor details in the text, it's gonna be a hell of a task to perform the edits and push the commits.

Active Admin</code> can be a solution, yet it requires tweaks to your database and administrative access.

Com Google Drive gem</code> for Ruby, the thing is: it's just simple as editing a spreadsheet.

# Login
= GoogleDrive.login("", "mypassword")

# Read the worksheet
= session.spreadsheet_by_key("pz7XtlQC-PYx-jrVMJErTcg").worksheets[0]

# Get content of A3 cell
@ourVision = ws[3, 1]

Sinta-se à vontade para incluir elementos HTML como a, div</code> in the cells. For Rails to render correctly, add:

  • T.