Encontre URLs dentro de um elemento e envolva-os

(function($) {

.fn.findLinkMakeLink = function() {
// Test a text node's contents for URLs and split and rebuild it with an anchor
var testAndTag = function(el) {
// Test for URLs along whitespace and punctuation boundaries
var m = el.nodeValue.match(/(https?://.*?)[.!?;,]?(s+|"|$)/);
// If we've found a valid URL
if (m) {
// Clone the text node to hold the "tail end" of the split node
var tail = $(el).clone()[0];
// Substring the nodeValue attribute of the text nodes based on the match boundaries
.nodeValue = el.nodeValue.substring(0, el.nodeValue.indexOf(m[1]));
.nodeValue = tail.nodeValue.substring(tail.nodeValue.indexOf(m[1]) + m[1].length);
// Rebuild the DOM inserting the new anchor element between the split text nodes
(el).after(tail).after($("<a></a>").attr("href", m[1]).html(m[1]));
// Recurse on the new tail node to check for more URLs
return false;
// For each element selected by jQuery
this.each(function() {
// Select all descendant nodes of the element and pick out only text nodes
var textNodes = $(this).add("*", this).contents().filter(function() {
return this.nodeType == 3
// Take action on each text node
.each(textNodes, function(i, el) {

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