Crie uma página virtual WordPress “On The Fly”

Aqui está uma pequena aula que preparei para criar uma página falsa / virtual “On the Fly” no WordPress:

if (!class_exists('WP_EX_PAGE_ON_THE_FLY')){

* @author Ohad Raz

* @since 0.1

* Class to create pages "On the FLY"

* Usage:

* $args = array(

* 'slug' => 'fake_slug',

* 'post_title' => 'Fake Page Title',

* 'post content' => 'This is the fake page content'

* );

* new WP_EX_PAGE_ON_THE_FLY($args);



public $slug ='';
public $args = array();
* __construct

* @param array $arg post to create on the fly

* @author Ohad Raz



function __construct($arg){
->args = $args;
->slug = $args['slug'];

* fly_page

* the Money function that catches the request and returns the page as if it was retrieved from the database

* @param array $posts

* @return array

* @author Ohad Raz


public function fly_page($posts){
global $wp,$wp_query;
= $this->slug;

//check if user is requesting our fake page
if(count($posts) == 0 && (strtolower($wp->request) == $page_slug || $wp->query_vars['page_id'] == $page_slug)){

//create a fake post
= new stdClass;
->post_author = 1;
->post_name = $page_slug;
->guid = get_bloginfo('wpurl' . '/' . $page_slug);
->post_title = 'page title';
//put your custom content here
->post_content = "Fake Content";
//just needs to be a number - negatives are fine
->ID = -42;
->post_status = 'static';
->comment_status = 'closed';
->ping_status = 'closed';
->comment_count = 0;
//dates may need to be overwritten if you have a "recent posts" widget or similar - set to whatever you want
->post_date = current_time('mysql');
->post_date_gmt = current_time('mysql',1);

= (object) array_merge((array) $post, (array) $this->args);
[] = $post;

->is_page = true;
->is_singular = true;
->is_home = false;
->is_archive = false;
->is_category = false;
->is_404 = false;

return $posts;
}//end class
}//end if


= array(
'slug' => 'fake_slug',
'post_title' => 'Fake Page Title',
'post content' => 'This is the fake page content'
new WP_EX_PAGE_ON_THE_FLY($args);

você pode substituir qualquer um dos campos de objeto de postagem na $argmatriz.

Aproveitar 🙂