Cache de PHP sem dores de cabeça

Este é um mecanismo de cache que fiz apenas como um teste preliminar, mas está planejado para torná-lo na próxima versão do Apex , meu framework, assim que for devidamente testado. Esta classe é definida para substituir virtualmente todos os outros mecanismos de cache atualmente na distribuição.

Ele suporta cache de retorno de função e cache de fragmento de HTML.

É um único objeto com 2 métodos, acessados ​​estaticamente, que tem aproximadamente 20% do tamanho do meu código de cache atual. Espero que seja útil, mas se houver algum problema ou bug, adoraria ouvi-lo.


Criação e acesso a um cache

$q = cache::make('my_cache', 5, function(){
print 'This is cached for 5 minutes';
return 'So it this';
}); // will immediately print 'This is cached'.

print $q; // will print 'So is this'.

Destruindo um cache em tempo real (prematuramente)

// function 'destroy()' supports wildcards

Código completo

class cache {
* $cache_folder is the path to the cache folder.

* All cache files and folders will be created inside this folder


* You may set this value from the outside to change the path:

* cache::$cache_folder - 'some/other/cache/folder';

* */

public static $cache_folder = 'cache/';

* $last_action is defaulted at NULL.

* Every time the caching mechanism is used, this value is updated

* to the last action taken by the cache:: class

* These values may be either of the 2 class constants:


* */

public static $last_action = null;

const USE_CACHED_FILE = 1;
const CACHE_FILE_NOW = 2;

* This function is accesesed statically

* cache::make( $name, $expires, $function );


* $name

* =====

* $name refers to the filename of the cache you're currently

* making, it may be something like user_12_messages or

* all_members or any string that may be used as a filename.

* You may set this to a path, ie: users/12/messages


* $expires

* ========

* Number of minutes that the store will keep the cache alive, once

* this time is exceeded, the mechanism will re-cache your code.


* $function

* =========

* This argument is a closure function containing whatever it is

* you want to cache The caching mechanism will cache both

* the function return and any echos and prints to the buffer,

* so it may be used to cache both data and html.


* Example

* =======

* $q = cahce::make('my_cache', 5, function(){

* print 'This is cached';

* return 'So it this';

* }); // will immediately print 'This is cached'.


* print $q; // will print 'So is this'.


* */

static function make($name, $expires, $function){

= self::$cache_folder.$name.'.json';


(dirname($cache_path), 0777, true);

}elseif( (time()-filemtime($cache_path))>$expires*60 && $expires!=0 ){

case self::USE_CACHED_FILE:
= json_decode(file_get_contents($cache_path));
case self::CACHE_FILE_NOW:
= array($function(), ob_get_clean());

= fopen($cache_path, "c");
if (flock($fp, LOCK_EX) ){
// File locked and ready
($fp, json_encode($cache));
($fp, LOCK_UN);


self::$last_action = $action;
echo $cache
return $cache[0];

* This function is used to prematurely destroy an existing cache.

* cache::destroy($name);


* $name

* =====

* The name (or full path) of the cache to be destroyed.

* The name mey contain the "*" wildcard.


* Example

* =======

* cache::destroy('side_navigation');


* or


* cache::destroy('user_*_notifications');


* or even


* cache::destroy('user/*');

* */

static function destroy($name){
foreach (glob(CACHE_FOLDER.'/'.$name) as $filename) {