Bumping de versão semântica em PHP

Disponível como uma essência no GitHub

* Semantically bump a version number, defaults to "minor".


* If your version number includes a prefix, (e.g. "v" in "v0.1.0")

* this will be preserved and returned. Any suffix (e.g. "-beta"

* in "v0.5.2-beta") will be lost.


* You can provide version numbers in the following formats:

* '0.1.2', 'v1.2-patched', '2.3', '3', 4.1, 5

* And you will get back (assuming a minor bump):

* '0.2.2', 'v1.3.0', '2.4.0', '3.1.0', '4.2.0', '5.1.0'


@param String|Null $version the current version number, defaults to '0.0.0'
@param String|Null $type the type of bump (major|minor|patch), defaults to 'minor'
* @return String the new version number, e.g. '0.1.0'


function bumpVersionNumber($version='0.0.0', $type='minor') {
= ''.$version;
= preg_replace('|[0-9].*$|', '', $version);
= preg_replace('|[^0-9.]*([0-9.]+).*|', '$1', $version);
while ( count(explode('.', $version)) < 3 ) {
.= '.0';
($major, $minor, $patch) = explode('.', $version);
= (int) $major;
= (int) $minor;
= (int) $patch;
switch ($type) {
case 'major' : $major++; break;
case 'minor' : $minor++; break;
case 'patch' : $patch++; break;
return "$prefix$major.$minor.$patch";