Botão “Ver mais” em html

É muito simples. Basicamente, a mesma coisa que vemos no Facebook ou em outros sites. Tudo isso usando jQuery.

$(document).ready(function() {
var max_length = 150; //Your taste.
var div = $('#that_one_div_selector_is_way_too_long');

.each( function(event) { //Expands selection
if( $(this).html().length > max_length ) {

// Selects text up to your limit
var short_text = $(this).html().substr(0, max_length);

// Selec text from your limit to the end.
var long_text = $(this).html().substr(max_length);

// Modified html inside of your div.
(this).html(short_text + "...<a href='#' class='view_more'>View more...</a>" + "<span class='rest_of_text' style='display: none;'>" + long_text + "</span>");

//Finds the a.read_more and binds it with the click function
(this).find('a.view_more').click(function(event) {

//Prevents the 'a' from changing the url
//Hides the 'view more' button/link
//Displays the rest of the text.