Eu fiz esta pequena joia que pode ser implementada rapidamente para armazenar e obter informações sobre o array. Eu precisava armazenar a última quantidade de itens classificados do último clicado até o mais antigo. Eu usei este array para fazer o unshifting, popping, push, purging etc. Funciona melhor para salvar o histórico, pois tem todas as coisas que são necessárias para ele (quantidade limitada, pesquisa para excluir objetos no array)
De qualquer forma, aqui está o coffeescript, a parte pública é o que você deseja usar:
Array::remove = (from, to) ->
rest = @slice((to or from) + 1 || @length)
@length = if from < 0 then this.length + from else from
@push.apply @, rest
# Simple class that makes array extend into the localstorage and updates accordingly
class @LocalStorageArray
constructor: ( @strUid = undefined, @numLimit = 0 ) ->
if not @strUid
@strUid = do () ->
numTotal = 10
numString = ''
for i in [0...numTotal] by 1 then numString = numString + Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1)
## Private
_fetch: ->
@arrItems = localStorage.getItem @strUid
@arrItems = if @arrItems then JSON.parse(@arrItems) else []
_update: ->
localStorage.setItem @strUid, JSON.stringify(@arrItems)
_do: ( fnCallback, arrArguments = [] ) ->
fnCallback.bind(@).apply @, arrArguments
_checkLimit: ( boolReverse = false ) ->
if @numLimit
numDifference = @arrItems.length - @numLimit
if numDifference > 0
if boolReverse
@arrItems = @arrItems.slice 0, @arrItems.length-numDifference
@arrItems = @arrItems.slice numDifference
## Public
setKey: ( @strUid ) ->
getKey: -> @strUid
get: -> @_fetch()
set: ( @arrItems ) -> @_update()
unshift: ( anyItem ) ->
@_do (( anyItem ) ->
@arrItems.unshift anyItem
@_checkLimit true
), [anyItem]
push: ( anyItem ) ->
@_do (( anyItem ) ->
@arrItems.push anyItem
@_checkLimit false
), [anyItem]
pop: -> @_do -> @arrItems.pop()
purge: -> @_do -> @arrItems = []
remove: ( numIndex ) -> @_do -> @arrItems.remove numIndex
searchAndDestroy: ( strProperty, strValue ) ->
objMatched = @matchProperty(strProperty, strValue)
if objMatched.matched then @remove objMatched.index
matchProperty: ( strProperty, strValue ) ->
# Tries to match on property in objects in the array for searching for duplicates
objMatched =
matched: false
index: 0
for objItem in @arrItems by 1
if typeof objItem is 'object'
if objItem[strProperty] is strValue
objMatched =
matched: true
index: _i