(ns x (:import [org.joda.time Period]))
(defn- period-handler
"Handles duration tags for EDN. Returns the period in milliseconds.
The format must be in ISO-8601: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Durations
All spaces are ignored and removed prior to parsing.
Additionally if the parsing fails it will be retried with "PT""+in
(period-handler ""PT 1m"") ;
(period-handler ""1m 3.53s"") ;""
(let [s (string/replace in #""[ trn]"" """")]
(.getMillis (.toStandardDuration (Period/parse s)))
(catch Exception _ nil))
(try ; If prev didn't work we append ""PT"" to the string so we allow strings like ""5m 2s""
(.getMillis (.toStandardDuration (Period/parse (str ""PT"" s))))
(catch Exception _ nil)))))