aliases de comando git

Aqui está uma lista de aliases de comando git comuns que uso diariamente:

alias gfh='git fetch --verbose --prune' # verbose gives you more information about what was fetched; prune removes any remote tracking branches which have been removed from the remote
alias gmg
='git merge' # use when you can fast-forward anyway or when you're actually merging 2 different branches together
alias grb
='git rebase --verbose' # use when you're pulling down changes from a remote or when pulling in changes to a local-only branch from the branch it branched off of (like from master into a feature branch)
alias gcb
='git checkout -b' # need to give it a new branch name, creates the new branch and switches to it
alias gca
='git commit --all --verbose' # commits everything (except brand new files and removed files), even unstaged changes
alias gbu
='git branch --set-upstream-to' # needs the name of an upstream branch, sets up remote tracking for the local branch (really useful with `gcb` above
alias gap
='git add --patch' # goes through each section of diffs and lets you add, skip, edit, split (and more) the lines changed
alias gsh
='git stash' # stashes all changes so that your local repo is clean and ready for a merge or rebase
alias gsp
='git stash pop' # attempts to pop the most recent stash off the stash stack and apply it to your current local repo; if it fails (due to conflicts) it doesn't remove the stash from the stack
alias gsd
='git stash drop' # so in those cases you might need to do this after manually fixing the conflicts :)

Tenho muitos outros aliases para comandos git, mas esses são os que uso praticamente todos os dias 🙂