Eu gosto de espaço e achei que meu background no Twitter deveria refletir isso.
Não seria legal se isso:
Pode ser este:
Portanto, você provavelmente pode apenas executar (espero que em um virtualenv):
pip install PIL requests requests-oauth
Em seguida, você vai querer usar este script:
import re
import urllib
import Image
import cStringIO
from oauth_hook import OAuthHook
import requests
# This is the APOD index page
apodbaseurl = '{}'
# This is how we look for the image on the page
regex = r'a href="(image.*)"'
# You can adjust this but twitter only allows 800k uploads
imgsize = 900, 900
# This our twitter API endpoint for changing the background
twitter_endpoint = ''
# Create a twitter app:
# After creation and clicking the generate access token button, click through
# to the oauth tab and use the info from there in the variables below.
OAuthHook.consumer_key = 'blarg'
OAuthHook.consumer_secret = 'blarg'
access_token = 'blarg'
access_token_secret = 'blarg'
# Setup the hook to call before we make a request
oauth_hook = OAuthHook(access_token, access_token_secret, header_auth=True)
def get_apod_image():
# grab the mainpage
apodpage = urllib.urlopen(apodbaseurl.format('astropix.html')).read()
# find image url
apodurl =, apodpage).group(1)
# open the image file
imgfile = urllib.urlopen(apodbaseurl.format(apodurl))
# parse it into memory (cStringIO is faster than StringIO)
imgstr = cStringIO.StringIO(
img =
# resize preserving aspect ratio
img.thumbnail(imgsize, Image.ANTIALIAS)
# save it in the smallest size possible"apod.png", "PNG", optimize=True)
def update_twitter():
client = requests.session(hooks={'pre_request': oauth_hook})
image = open('apod.png', 'rb')
response =, '', params={'tile': True},
files={'image': ('apod.png', image)})
# lets print and return some info for troubleshooting
print response.text
return response
if __name__ == '__main__':
Agora faça um cronjob com algo como:
0 23 * * * ~/.virtualenvs/apod/bin/python ~/apod/
E BOOM! Você Terminou.